Thursday, March 27, 2014

Stavros Xan's new work shop in Greece

 Stavros has just completed his new work shop in Athens Greece to build wooden boards. He is a passionate man and loves experimenting with his designs.It looks like he has a great setup to build his boards
 This is from his blog :  "SX Wooden Surfboards began in the backyard of a home minutes from the waves in Santa Marina, Athens,Greece. Stav has combined his love of board sports with a passion for wooden boat-building techniques to create works of art for riding waves that have less impact on the environment and more positive impact on your surfing.The beauty of SX Wooden Surfboards lies in the blend of softwoods, the artful patterns naturally produced by the wood itself.
In the future, SX Wooden Surfboards will continue to build custom dream boards and develop new surfboard shapes in collaboration with our customers."

Stavros enjoys designing and building new models to add to his quiver. Check them out  Here
Just goes to show there are people building wooden boards all over the world in some unlikely places.

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